Personal Training in Prenzlauer Berg – Mitte

Your Trigger for Fitness, Strength, and Muscle Building

  • You carry a lot of responsibility and need a strong back for it?
  • You would like to have broader shoulders and more muscles on your arms, and less belly fat?
  • In your position, you have to perform and achieve a lot daily, but your strength is noticeably decreasing?
  • You want to be stronger, more muscular, and leaner, but you don’t know where to start and what matters?
  • You know how important a strong, efficient body is, but somehow you can’t integrate exercise into your daily routine?
  • You’ve tried several things, but it’s hard to stay motivated and committed alone?

Let’s talk!

Your time budget is limited, and your schedule is full? Then you shouldn’t take any detours. Now is not the time for trial and error, luck, or chance. Don’t waste your precious life! You’ve already taken the first step; let’s take the next one together.

It’s not only easier together, but it’s also more fun.

Contact me today and schedule a consultation – free of charge and without obligation. 
Or do you have a question? Write to me. I look forward to your message.

Jan Höffken

Your Personal Trainer in Berlin


I am a Personal Trainer (full-time) helping entrepreneurs and leaders become stronger, more muscular, and more powerful. My transformation program is tested, effective, and realizable. It was designed to build strength and muscles in the shortest possible time.

With over 35 years of training experience, I offer you the professionalism necessary for your project – coupled with a large dose of passion that I would love to share with you.

My training system, into which I have put a lot of heart, is based on the latest findings in training and nutrition science. The focus of my transformation program is strength training and muscle building, as well as figure training and body shaping.

Benefit from my expertise. I would be happy to accompany you on the way to your goals. I would pick you up with empathy where you are right now, to take you where you want to go – openly and honestly, appreciative and motivating, trustworthy and discreet.

About me


Since 2015, I have been a certified Personal Trainer, licensed Fitness Trainer (A-License*), and Medical Fitness Trainer. I have been engaged in performance-oriented strength training for over 35 years and work as a full-time trainer. My enthusiasm for sports began in my youth. Since then, I have been involved in various sports, including fitness, strength training, martial arts (boxing, kickboxing, Tae Kwo Do), running (over 20 half-marathons), yoga, tennis, squash, badminton, cycling, wind and wave surfing. Over the years, my passion for sports and fitness has developed, and today I share it with my clients, along with my extensive experience in training and nutrition. Since 2015, I have worked as a Personal Trainer, successfully guiding my clients towards their personal goals.

After studying Media and Communication Science, I worked for many years as a media manager, in the business development of media companies, and in financial controlling for consulting firms. At the same time, I taught at universities (e.g., Freie Universität Berlin) and academies. I understand well the constant lack of time that my clients often report, but I also know from experience that even with a very tight time budget, exceptionally ambitious fitness goals can be achieved. The prerequisites for this are professional goal planning and a systematically structured and consistent implementation.

* Highest achievable license level in the German fitness industry


My qualifications:

  • Fitness Trainer A-License (Akademie für Sport und Gesundheit)
  • Fitness Trainer B-License (Akademie für Sport und Gesundheit)
  • Medical Fitness Trainer (Akademie für Sport und Gesundheit)
  • Personal Trainer (Akademie für Sport und Gesundheit)
  • Nutritional Physiology (spt-education – Zentrum für Sport, Physiotherapie & Weiterbildung)
  • Certificate in Olympic Weightlifting (Instructor: Marco Spanehl, multiple German champion and Olympic participant in weightlifting)
  • Certified further training in “Psychosocial Competence in Personal Training” (Tim Bertko – Personal Coaching, Berlin)
  • Certified further training in “Hands-On – Soft Skills in Personal Training” (Tim Bertko – Personal Coaching, Berlin)

Known from RTL



Our training takes place in my high-quality Personal Training studio, exclusively reserved for you during our sessions – in the heart of Berlin, in Prenzlauer Berg, on the border to Mitte.



Initially, during an informational meeting, I would introduce my approach and training philosophy. I would listen to where it hurts for you, what you want to change in your life, and what goals you have.

Take advantage of this opportunity for a free consultation and a free trial session, where I can show you how your training and my coaching concept could look in practice and the investment involved.

If I have piqued your interest, a further meeting would include a detailed anamnesis discussion, including a health and fitness check-up. And then our training – your transformation – could begin.

Personal Training is the most effective and efficient training method out there. Through individual and holistic one-on-one coaching, you achieve your goals faster than through any other method. Personal Training adapts to your life situation. The time flexibility of the coaching concept helps you escape the time pressure trap.

Plus, Personal Training is fun!

Start a new life today and let’s begin now.

I look forward to your message.


10 + 8 =

*Required field


Jan Höffken
Straßburger Straße 10
10405 Berlin
